Authentication - Method / Protocol / Scheme


The authentication methods / construct / protocol validates the identity of a user (ie validates who you are).

The method is implemented by a (identify|authentication) provider.


Username / Password

In the traditional client-server authentication model, the third-party application requests an access-restricted resource (protected resource) on the server by authenticating with the server using the resource owner's credentials (generally a username/password). The resource owner shares then its credentials with the third party app.

Protocol Name Cleartext HTTPS
HTML form-based Yes Mandatory
What is and how works the Basic Authentication scheme? (HTTP) Yes Mandatory
Authentication - HTTP Digest Access Authentication No Optional

The cleartext protocols should be used together with HTTPS to encrypt the credentials in transit.

Identity assertion

An Identity assertion Authentication use as credentials:


Strong authentication are generally based on identity_assertion

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Authentication - HTTP Digest Access Authentication

Digest access authentication is an http authentication method based on authorization entry. It is intended (as a security trade-off) to replace unencrypted HTTP basic access authentication. It is not,...
Oauth - Client Authentication

authentication method for a client in Oauth. The client MUST NOT use more than one authentication method in each request. Client authentication is used for: Enforcing the binding of refresh tokens...
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Authentication is the process that establishes the identity of a user who accesses a resource of an application (page, image,...) It's abbreviated as AuthN for authentication versus AuthZ for authorization....
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What is a Session? (authentication, tracking)

A session is used in authentication in order to store the identification data. After a user has been authenticated, the identification (the user name generally) is stored in the session and other requests...
What is an Authentication / Identity) Provider ? ie user store

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What is an access token?

A token is a authentication material An access token is a token (string) representing an access authorization. It is equivalent to a session identifier in format. It's a token that serves as delegation-specific...

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