What is a Third-party (3P) Cookie and how it works?

Third party Cookies are cookies created by other sites (ie that comes from another domain (ie a third party) than the hosted web page.

These sites own some of the content, like ads or images, that you see and was included on the webpage you visit.

Technically, if the apex domain of the cookie domain property is:

While the server hosting a web page sets first-party cookies, the page may contain:

in other domains which performs cross-oirgin request and may set third-party cookies.


Cross-site tracking

See How does a tracking cookie work? A step by step example

Cross-origin authentication

Third-party cookies may be used for cross-origin/cross domain authentication

Content personalization

Embedded HTML can be personalized.


Technical / Browser definition

For a browser, Third-party cookies are cookies:

  • with the properties:
    • SameSite=None;
    • Secure
    • without Partitioned attributes
  • operating in cross-site contexts


You should note that the browser configuration may deny third-party cookies.

  • by configuration
Chrome Cookie Configuration

Firefox Cross Site Cookie Tracking

Cors and SameSite

The browser follows CORS and cookie samesite to allow or deny third-party cookies.


In the devtool, you can check the cookie value that is sent and received.

  • In the network cookies tab

Chrome Dev Tool Chrome Filtered Out Cookies

  • In the network headers tab

Third Party Cookie

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