The export statement is the counterpart of the import statement in the implementation of an ES module.
It has the same functionality that the modules.export statement of CommonJs
This feature is not implemented in any browsers natively at this time. It is implemented in many transpilers.
Export declare the module’s public API.
You can export any top-level function, class, var, let, or const.
Export tag
export function bar(arg1, arg2) {
export class foo {
... several methods doing image processing ...
// This function isn't exported and has then a local scope
function private() {
import them as
import { bar, foo } from ...
Rather than tagging each exported feature, you can write out a single list of all the names you want to export. It can appear anywhere in a module file’s top-level scope
export {
bar as barre // you can rename the exported name
import it as
import { foo, barre } from ...
- Export example with the shorthand syntax where the keywords export default can be followed by any value: a function, a class, an object literal, …
export default {
field1: value1,
field2: value2
- Example with the full syntax:
let myObject = {
field1: value1,
field2: value2
export {myObject as default};
import it as:
import whatEverNameIWant from ...
export const name = 'value';
export const MyComponent = /* ... */;
export const MyOtherComponent = /* ... */;
import it with
import { name, MyComponent, MyOtherComponent } from ...;