A loader searches and loads module and script into the javascript engine (environment).
From the main script, they will:
- find them via a function called a resolver
- and load them
They will generally load them recursively while building the dependency graph to gain speed
Browser: Basic Script Loader
The most generic of script loaders simply create a script tag element and inject it into the loaded page. Since the DOM element is injected, it logically cannot 'block' the rendering of the rest of the page so the browser treats it as if it were asynchronous. Asynchronous scripts don't block so you can load more than one at a time.
Example of a simple asynchronous script-loader
- Create a new script element and set the source (For this example, we use bowser to detect your browser)
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bowser/2.11.0/bundled.min.js"; // Set the location of the script
script.integrity ="sha512-hsF/cpBvi/vjCP4Ps/MrPUFk6l4BqcGbzVUhqjJdX2SmAri1Oj8FBUGCvBiKHYd6gg3vLsV16CtIRNOvK5X4lQ==";
- And add the script as DOM child with appendChild
let head = document.querySelector('head');
head.appendChild( script );
- When the script trigger the load event, you can start use it.
script.addEventListener('load', function() {
const browser = bowser.getParser(window.navigator.userAgent);
console.log(`Your browser name is "${browser.getBrowserName()}"`);
- Output:
Browser: Library
browser script loading API:
- ESM module with the script type to module
<script type="module" ...>
export default function () {
import('./foo.js').then(({ default: foo }) => console.log(foo));
- Dynamic Import with the import function
- RequireJs: Amd based loader: What is RequireJs: the browser module loader ?
require("moduleId", function(moduleExport){ ... })
- systemjs - supports the system-register format to add module features such as listing the module loaded, …
- Dojo: Dojo (Dojo Toolkit)
- LABjs (Loading And Blocking JavaScript) - load all JavaScript files in parallel ensuring proper execution dependencies order
Node Native
In node, the CommonJs module is used.
Therefore the require function is used as loader.
You can influence it via the NODE_PATH that may contain a list of path where module should be searched
Node Library
Node Snippet example
An example of a node loader
const lib = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'lib')
if (fs.existsSync(lib)) {
// Use the latest src
module.exports.resolve = { alias: { 'library_name': lib } }
} else {
throw "library source not built. Run the following: 'pushd ../.. && rm -rf node_modules && yarn install && yarn run build && popd' and then rerun 'yarn start'"
Node Loader monitors modify the code loaded dynamically.
- @babel/register for babel transpiling
- ts-node to execute typescript directly on node
- Code execution monitoring:
- sqreen,
- newrelic,