This page shows showcase how to reload a node http server with the watch possibility of gulp
Below is an example of gulp.esm.js file that show case how to do it. You can adapt it to your situation.
// automatically loads when you run the gulp command
import gulp from "gulp";
import {spawn} from "child_process";
import tcpPortUsed from 'tcp-port-used';
// the server process variable
let serverProcess;
// the port
let port = 3000;
export async function server() {
serverProcess = await restartServer(serverProcess);
console.log(`Node server (re)started at http://localhost:${port}:`);
// The code that start or restart the process
async function restartServer(serverProcess) {
// kill previous spawned process
if (serverProcess) {
await tcpPortUsed.waitUntilFree(port, 500, 4000)
console.log('Server process has been terminated');
// `spawn` a child `gulp` process linked to the parent `stdio`
serverProcess = spawn('node', ['src/server-start.js', port]);
serverProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`Server Stdout: ${data}`);
serverProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.error(`Server Stderr: ${data}`);
return serverProcess;
// The default
export default async function () {
await gulp.watch('src/**/*.*', server);