

Polyfill means to retrofit emulations of future functionality into old browsers (the so-called polyfill library shim, which in American English would be called “spackle”).

They are generally used in build time by a transpiler.

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Scroll Bar
Browser - Scroll

This page is scrolling in the internet context (http, html, javascript). Scrolling is implemented by the browser in response to: user interaction (scrollbar, click) or Javascript code. Via...
Javascript - Rhino Engine

Rhino is an javascript engine that implements JavaScript ECMA from the Mozilla Foundation (It was the first JDK offering for JavaScript). compatibility...
Javascript - Transpiler (Transpiling)

A transpiler permits to take an language source and to transform it in a language target. The language source and target may be the same but with two differents version. compiling A transpiler permits...
What is RequireJs: the browser module loader ?

RequireJs is a browser module loader that implements the AMD specification . It may load also other modules (UMD, CommonJs) In this example, we will load the bowser...

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