DOM - (Node) Tree


The DOM presents an (XML|HTML) document as a tree-structure.

A DOM has a standard tree structure, where each node contains one of the components from an XML structure.

Generally, the vast majority of nodes in a DOM tree will be Element and Text nodes.

The two most common types of nodes are:

The nodes in the node tree have a hierarchical relationship to each other.

See also the root node


    <title>My Title</title>
    <h1>My First chapter</h1>
    <p>My Text and<a href="gerardnico.html">My Link</a></p>


DOC: nodeName="#document"
  ELEM: nodeName="html" local="html"
    ELEM: nodeName="head" local="head"
      ELEM: nodeName="title" local="title"
        TEXT: nodeName="#text" nodeValue="My Title"
    ELEM: nodeName="body" local="body"
      ELEM: nodeName="h1" local="h1"
        TEXT: nodeName="#text" nodeValue="My First chapter"
      ELEM: nodeName="p" local="p"
        TEXT: nodeName="#text" nodeValue="My Text and"
        ELEM: nodeName="a" local="a"
            ATTR: nodeName="href" local="href" nodeValue="gerardnico.html"
              TEXT: nodeName="#text" nodeValue="gerardnico.html"
          TEXT: nodeName="#text" nodeValue="My Link"

Traversal operation

see DOM - Traversal

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