HTML - (Content of an element|Content Model)


The contents of an element are its children in the DOM tree.

Each element has a content model: a description of the element's expected contents.

HTML Authors must not use HTML elements anywhere except where they are explicitly allowed, as defined for each element, or as explicitly required by other specifications (such as ATOM)


Each element in HTML falls into zero or more categories that group elements with similar characteristics together.

Content Venn


The content is rendered within the css box in the middle.


See CSS - Content (Property)

DOM (Javascript)

This code shows you how to select element by Id and set the content with the Javascript DOM API


textContent will do the following text transformation:

In the example below, we demonstrate that:


  • The javascript that selects the p element and set the text content
document.getElementById('myId').textContent = `<strong>New 
  • The HTML
<p id="myId"></p>
  • The result


innerText will do the same as textContent except that it will preserve the EOL (end of line) by transforming them as br element


  • The javascript that selects the p element and set the innerText
document.getElementById('myId').innerText = `<strong>New 
  • The HTML
<p id="myId"></p>


innerHTML will see the text passed as HTML markup and transform it in DOM elements


  • The javascript that selects the p element and set the innerHTML
document.getElementById('myId').innerHTML = `<strong>New 
  • The HTML
<p id="myId"></p>
  • The result: the text was interpreted as HTML

Documentation / Reference

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