control form elements are elements that are used specifically inside a form.
They are used:
- to specify a key and a value.
- to layout the form
- to submit it
- or reset it
- field set [optional] that groups:
- input element for the definition of a scalar value on a single line such as:
- basic primitive: text, boolean, number, …
- a little bit more complex: such as file, email, color, date, …
- textarea for the definition of a text on multiple-line
- select element that create a list where a single or multiple choice can be made where
- label [optional] label/named each element
- an output element [optional] that defines where the results / output will be shown
From a form, only successful form controls are included when the form is submited, i.e. those:
- with a name,
- not disabled (readonly are included)
- checked for radio buttons and checkboxes
- or selected one or more options within a select.
If you want to style a control, you need first to disable the platform-native styling with the appearance property set to none.
Example with a checkbox
input[type="checkbox"] {
appearance: none;