The footer is an element that represents the footer of:
A footer:
- contains information about its section such as
- who wrote it,
- links to related documents,
- copyright data,
- and the like.
- represent
- appendices,
- indexes,
- long colophons,
- verbose license agreements,
- and other such content
Articles Related
Fat footer
Some site designs have what is sometimes referred to as fat footers — footers that contain a lot of material, including images, links to other articles, links to pages for sending feedback, special offers… in some ways, a whole “front page” in the footer.
This fragment shows the bottom of a page on a site with a “fat footer”:
<p><img src="images/somersaults.jpeg" alt=""> Go to the gym with our somersaults class! Our teacher Jim takes you through the paces
in this two-part article. <a href="articles/somersaults/1">Part 1</a> · <a href="articles/somersaults/2">Part 2</a></p>
<p><img src="images/kindplus.jpeg"> Tired of walking on the edge of a clif<!-- sic -->? Our guest writer Lara shows you how to bumble
your way through the bars. <a href="articles/kindplus/1">Read more...</a></p>
<p><img src="images/crisps.jpeg"> The chips are down, now all that's left is a potato. What can you do with it? <a
href="articles/crisps/1">Read more...</a></p>
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