HTML - Frameset

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CSS - Block Level (element|box)

Block-level refers to the (HTML) elements that are formatted visually as blocks. See for more information: Except for table boxes, and replaced elements, a block-level box can also be a block container...
Devtool Chrome Event Listener
DOM - Event Type (name)

An event is categorize by its type which is a property of the event object The type of an event is also known as the name of the event (Ref)...
HTML - Body element

The body element represents the body of a document (as opposed to the document’s metadata). The document property document.body returns the body element. Can be set, to replace the body element....
HTML - Browsing context (Environment)

A browsing context is a navigational context (environment) in which HTML document are rendered to the user. Each browsing context has: its own variable its own cookie its own dom and eventually...

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