HTML - Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)


The AMP Project speeds up web pages on mobile devices

AMP HTML is a subset of HTML for authoring content pages such as news articles in a way that guarantees certain baseline performance characteristics.

Required markup

required-markup (also here to make an html AMP.



Example: Any DOM elements the custom JavaScript files wish to interact with must be wrapped inside the <amp-script> component tags. If you were to call document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('span')) within the script imported into an <amp-script> element in the following document:

    <amp-script layout="container" src="customjs.js">

It would result in this:

    <amp-script layout="container" src="customjs.js">

Third party

For performance and security reasons, you cannot include third-party JavaScript in AMP pages. For ads, you need to use RTC


Documentation / Reference

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