This article shows you how to programmatically with Javascript get the styles property difference between two HTML element with Javascript
The script
The function that:
- select the element with a selector (one for each)
- onlyTextProp filters the layout properties: padding, margin, border, display
- uses the window.getComputedStyle function.
let cssDiff = function (firstSelector, secondSelector, onlyTextProp = true) {
let firstElement = document.querySelector(firstSelector);
let firstElementStyles = window.getComputedStyle(firstElement);
let firstElementTitle = firstElement.innerText.substr(0, 10);
let secondElement = document.querySelector(secondSelector);
let secondElementStyles = window.getComputedStyle(secondElement);
let secondElementTitle = secondElement.innerText.substr(0, 10);
let attributeName;
let firstValue;
let secondValue;
console.log(`New Diff between ${firstElementTitle} and ${secondElementTitle}`)
let sameCounter = 0;
let diffCounter = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < firstElementStyles.length; i++) {
attributeName = firstElementStyles.item(i);
if(onlyTextProp) {
let isLayoutAttribute = attributeName.match(/^(margin|border|padding|display).*/m);
if (isLayoutAttribute) {
firstValue = firstElementStyles.getPropertyValue(attributeName);
secondValue = secondElementStyles.getPropertyValue(attributeName);
if (firstValue !== secondValue) {
console.log(`${attributeName}: ${firstValue} vs ${secondValue}`);
} else {
console.log("End Diff")
console.log(`Total: ${firstElementStyles.length}`)
console.log(`Same: ${sameCounter}`);
console.log(`Diff: ${diffCounter}`);
Usage: demo
- The two paragraph elements to compare
<p style="font-weight:bold">A paragraph element with bold</p>
<p>A basic paragraph element</p>
- The javascript
let firstElementSelectors = "p";
let secondElementSelectors = "p:nth-child(2)";
cssDiff(firstElementSelectors, secondElementSelectors )
- Output: