CSS - Pixel (Logical Pixel)


CSS pixels are logical pixels used in CSS declarations such as width: 300px or font-size: 14px.

An element with width: 300px is always exactly 300 CSS pixels wide

CSS pixels are not the actual pixel density of the device. If the user zooms in, an element with width: 300px takes up more and more of the screen, and thus becomes wider and wider when measured in device (physical) pixels. In CSS pixels, however, the width remains 300px, and the zooming effect is created by expanding CSS pixels as much as is needed.

Css pixel to metre scale

The device pixel ratio (also called CSS Pixel Ratio) is what determines how a device's screen resolution is interpreted by the CSS.

Css Pixel to Rem

Documentation / Reference

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CSS - Left property explained as 1, 2, 3

The left property is an offset from the left edge of the containing block. This article shows you in two simple rules how to determine the containing block.
CSS - Length Value (Size)

Lengths refer to horizontal or vertical measurements. The format of a length value is a number (with or without a decimal point) immediately followed by a unit identifier where: number is positive...
CSS - Media Features

media feature is the feature of a media that can be used in a media query in order to target the styling rule to a specific device. width (the total width of the page in CSS pixels (logical pixel))...
CSS - Relative Sizing (Length)

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CSS - Rem (Root Emphemeral Unit)

rem is a length unit that is based in the the font-size of the root element of the document. To write style rules that is constant throughout the document, use the rem rem stands for root em (ie root...
CSS - Scale (Zoom Factor)

Scale is the zoom level of a page is first loaded. When the zooming factor is exactly 100%, one CSS pixel equals one device pixel. The scale when the page is loaded is defined by the viewport...
CSS - Screen

In CSS context, a screen is a (visual) media type that is intended primarily for color computer screens. A user agent on a screen generally impose a minimum width and choose an initial width based on...
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CSS - Viewport (Reader's window)

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CSS - font-size property

CSS font-size in CSS is a property that defines the length (size) of a font. font-size by himself is an element of typography. responsive typography The font-size uses generally a relative sizing...

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