CSS - list-item (list formatting with marker box)


This page is about the formatting of element seen as a list-item.

A list-item has:

  • a principal block box (the normal box)
  • and an additional box known as the marker box (the marker).


All properties applies to the marker box.

The list properties applies only if the display property is set list-item.

This is the default value of a li html element.

The CSS properties 1) used to design an element as a list item are:

The shorthand list property is list-style 2)



The marker may be replaced with a before content property


  • Css:
ul {
  list-style-type: none;
ul > li:before {
  content: "- ";
  • Html
  • Output:

Position: Outside / Inside the box

list-style-position specify if the marker is outside or inside the box. Values may be:

  • outside (default)
  • inside
  • inherit

Position: Horizontally

You can position the marker horizontally with the text-indent property

ul {
   text-indent: 10em;


You can add numbers to your list with:

Default HTML with the ol element

With ordererd list (ol element) that sets the property list-style-type by default to decimal


With the list-style-type

With an upper romain ordererd list (ol element) that sets the property to list-style-type to decimal

ol {
  list-style-type: upper-roman

With a counter

With a counter, you can ever go further

ol {  counter-set: my-counter-name; }
li { display: block; }
li::before { content: counter(my-counter-name, upper-roman) ". "; counter-increment: my-counter-name }

How to create a numbered list with a div element

Div as list element

You can use a div element as list container and list item element.

.list-item {
  display: list-item;
  list-style-type: upper-roman;
  <div class="list-item">One</div>
  <div class="list-item">Two</div>
  <div class="list-item">Three</div>

Div as list container

The only drawback is that you can't place the marker outside because there is no marker box when using a div element as list container

.list-item {
  display: list-item;
  list-style-position: inside;
  list-style-type: upper-roman
  <div class="list-item">One</div>
  <div class="list-item">Two</div>
  <div class="list-item">Three</div>


List and Float

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