How to create and manipulate an URL in Javascript? (Browser URL Object)


This article shows you how to get and manipulate an URL with Javascript.


URL object

You can manipulate an URL with the URL web API object 1)

  • Build an URL object
const url = new URL(window.parent.location.href); // parent because this code runs in a iframe (if not delete it)
  • Print a URL properties (…host, hostname,…)
console.log("Hostname: "+url.hostname); //
console.log("Path: "+url.pathname); //
console.log("Id Parameters: "+url.searchParams.get("id")); // none but it should work
console.log("Id Parameters After Setting: "+url.searchParams.get("id")); 
  • Print
console.log("New URL: "+url.toString());

Query Parameters

You can also manipulate only the URL Query Parameters.

Note that url.searchParams is available in a URL at url.searchParams.

const url = new URL("");
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(;
console.log(`Size?: ${queryParams.size}`); 
console.log(`Key1?: ${queryParams.has("key1")}`); 
console.log(`GetKey1: ${queryParams.get("key1")}`); 
console.log(`toString: ${queryParams.toString()}`); 

Ps: Note that searchParams is a iterator

How to get the url of the actual HTML page (with Javascript)

The value is stored in the href property

  • We used window.parent because the code is run in a iframe but in a normal page, you would just use window.
console.log("URL: "+window.parent.location.href); // url
// value is `about:srcdoc` because we are in a iframe
console.log("URL in iframe: "+window.location.href);
console.log("Path: "+window.parent.location.pathname);
console.log("Host: "; 
  • hostname - only the name of the host (ie without the port)
console.log("Hostname: "+window.parent.location.hostname); 
console.log("Anchor: "+window.parent.location.hash);  
  • port (empty string if none)
console.log("Port: "+window.parent.location.port);  
console.log("Protocol: "+window.parent.location.protocol); 
console.log("Query String: ";

URL tied to a memory resource such as a file

The DOM URL.createObjectURL() and URL.revokeObjectURL() methods let you create data URL strings.

More Browser / Javascript - Object URL (createObjectURL / revokeObjectURL)

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