Javascript - Undefined
When the value of variable or property is not defined, it gets the type undefined.
It's handy to see if a variable is passed as an argument of a function.
Are undefined:
- a not declared variable
- a declared variable without value
- functions that return no values
- the void operator.
How to test if a variable is undefined
With the strict equality operator
let sec;
if (sec === undefined) console.log("The variable sec is not defined");
With the loose equality operator
let sec;
// == and not ===
if (sec == null) console.log("The variable sec is not defined");
With the typeof output
if (typeof sec === 'undefined') console.log("The variable sec is not defined");
Typescript: Question Mark
The question mark means optional and permits declaring that a variable may be undefined.
For instance, if location may be undefined, you can write:
country = location?.getCountry()