A chrome cheatsheet



Chrome is a web browser from Google based on the V8 Javascript engine.

Google Chrome is the chromium open source project built, packaged, and distributed by Google. 1)





Chrome URL are special chrome windows

Type in your address bar: chrome://chrome-urls/

Chrome Urls


Kill all chrome instance (background process included) before using the switch




chrome.exe --host-resolver-rules="MAP gerardnico.com"

Running Chrome Flags

DNS resolver

What is a DNS Resolver?

The switch is actually –host-resolver-rules but you may find it under the old name –host-rules

Example to map gerardnico.com to the IP

chrome.exe --host-resolver-rules="MAP gerardnico.com"

Be sure to have no background chrome process running otherwise it will not work

Other example:

--host-resolver-rules="MAP prod.example.com test.example.com,EXCLUDE localhost,EXCLUDE"
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * www.domain.de, EXCLUDE *.youtube.*"
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * www.domain.de, EXCLUDE *.youtube.*","MAP * www.domain.de, EXCLUDE *.last.fm"
--host-resolver-rules="MAP *.co.za, Exclude google.co.za"
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * www.domain.de, EXCLUDE *.youtube.*, EXCLUDE *.last.fm"


Running Chrome Flags

Process Explorer (Task Manager)

More Tools > Task Manager or Shift+Esc on Windows

Chrome Task Manager

Debugging Mode


The Developer Tools front-end can attach to a remotely running Chrome instance for debugging. For this scenario to work, you should start your host Chrome instance with the remote-debugging-port command line switch:

chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222

You can then see: Chrome Debug 9222

Then you can start a separate client Chrome instance, using a distinct user profile:

chrome.exe --user-data-dir=<some directory>

Now you can navigate to the given port from your client and attach to any of the discovered tabs for debugging: http://localhost:9222



Google Chrome - Cache




Disable background process


Chrome Disable Background Process

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