First Contentful Paint (FCP) 1):
- that measures the time:
- from navigation
- to the time when the browser renders the first bit of content from the DOM (which may be text, an image, SVG, or even a canvas element)
It captures the very beginning of the loading experience.
The FCP will occurs you when a splash screen or a loading indicator is seen by the user (The icon while loading is known as a wiki/Throbber)
However, the page is still not usable for the user, the Largest Contentful Paint metrics captures the page usability.
How to measure it ?
- the performance timeline interface if available
- All results are reported to the analyticsTracker callback
new Perfume({
analyticsTracker: options => {
const { metricName, data, eventProperties, navigatorInformation, vitalsScore, } = options;
if(metricName !== 'fcp'){
console.log('firstContentfulPaint duration:'+data);