Search Engine - Rich Result (Rich Snippet)


A rich result is a rich result that is styled and contains graphical elements, including review stars, thumbnail images, or some kind of visual enhancement.

To display Rich Snippets, Search Engine looks for markup formats:


Rich Result


Enriched results

Rich results with a more immersive experience are called enriched results, and feature advanced interaction capabilities.

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Documentation / Reference

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Resource (Web Page) - Type (Structured Data | Metadata )

HTML element HTML link tag for relation between document and the canonical url PageMaps: invisible blocks of XML that add metadata to pages. Microformats: tags used to mark up visible page content...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Add structured data to your site to help Google understand the page: for example, a review, recipe, business, or event. rich results: and Meta description tags: Google sometimes uses search engine Too...
Data System Architecture
What is rich text ?

Rich Text is a text where extra metadata information have been added. Generally, they are styling information such as boldness but all visuals such as graphic can be considered as rich text.

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