React - Rendering (Lifecycle) Mount and Unmount


This page is about rendering in React (ie update of the DOM)


To make the UI interactive, you need to be able to trigger changes to your underlying data model.


The root element is the element passed to the ReactDom.render function as argument.

Children Component


A change of state trigger a changes of UI (ie will render the component again)


this.setState({ "whatever":"whatever"});


A change of props does not trigger a changes of UI. props define the original state.


In React:

  • Rendering is called mounting
  • Removing is called unmounting
  • Updating is called updating

Lifecycle management is different by type of component syntax used. For:



Conditional rendering with control flow statement (such as if, then else, … or the conditional (ternary) operator).

let button = null;
if (isLoggedIn) {
  button = <LogoutButton onClick={this.handleLogoutClick} />;
} else {
  button = <LoginButton onClick={this.handleLoginClick} />;

No Rendering

The component must return null instead of its render output


ReactDOM.render on the browser

ReactDOM.render is the main function that renders an element.

See React - ReactDOM.render

ReactDOMServer on the server

See React - Server Side Rendering (SSR) - DOM Server


Documentation / Reference

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