A web site is a web application hosted on a web server that shows a collection of web page.
The type of website is based on how the web page are created:
- Web - Static Web Site - the web page is a HTML file
- Web - Dynamic Web Site - the web page is created by a script
Map Visualization
See crawlsite.js
Rank, Category,…
How to see the category:
Website listing by category:
The safest way to buy/sell a website is through a reputable broker.
- Flippa ( marketplace (no vetting) with escrow service)
- Digital Exits
- QuietLight Brokerage
- escrow.com to secure the money
A website valuation is based on:
- the Business Age. For instance, with only 2 Months, you needs more track record.
- the number of hours worked to maintain the business - does it scale ? buyers are not looking to purchase a job but rather a leveraged asset they can scale up.
- Net Earnings Per Hours Worked- to see if you can build a solid team
- Monthly Unique Visits - to calculate traction and attention with your traffic.
- Net Earning per Unique Visit - this metrics is used to see if visitor are interested in what you’re offering.
- Number of Email Subscribers
- Net Earning per Email Subscriber
- Number of Social Media Channels
- Total Social Media Followers
- Average Monthly Revenue
- Average Monthly Expenses
- Monthly Net Profit
- Profit Margin
with File Transfer - Wget
wget -r --no-parent -m -p -E -k http://example.com/sub/
How to move a web site (ie change the address)
- Step by step:
- Thread