Ad - (Publisher) Revenue (Monetization)

Card Puncher Data Processing


revenue section in advertising Online publishers typically generate revenue by placing advertisements

A website and other digital environments like mobile app and video channels earn revenue when ads fill those ad spaces (inventory) and users see them.



Indicator Description
RPM Google Adsense uses RPM (Revenue Per Mile)
EPMV Earnings per thousand visitors or Session RPM


Example of price:

1.55 8.64
1.75 1.88

Baseline Revenue

  • 50 for 100 000 impressions, you got a CPM of 0,5.
  • 20 per thousand visitors by month (RPM)


Ads by page

This information is the kind of information that you can find on marketing content from advertiser. They just shows that there is a relation between the number of ads by page and the revenue.

Maximum ads by page Revenue Decrease
5 8%
4 11%
3 30%
2 54%
1 72%

The number of ads by page is highly correlated to the content that you shows (ie the word count), The more content, the more space.

Content length

  • highest-earning content length - 750-1000 words (source)

Time on page

More time on page, more earning


Price are really category related, the ads for an expensive product are generally higher than for a lower one.

Website Category on a index of 1 to 100 for the revenue for 1000 visits Source

Median Epmv By Category


The minimal threshold to qualify to sell your website on a marketplace is an average net profit of 500 per month.


The revenue is generally shared at a ratio that is called the revenue share

The revenue can be shared:

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