Sell-Side Platform (SSP) is a platform that premit publishers to:
- to manage their advertising space inventory
- to fill it with ads,
- and receive revenue
An auction house is an aggregate of SSP.
A SSP is a software platform that is optimized for publishers whereas a DSPs (demand-side platform) is optimized for the brands.
An ad networks generally combine:
- a Sell-Side Platform (SSP) component
- along a DSP (demand-side platform).
Articles Related
- Sell Side Platforms provide outsourced media selling and ad network management services for publishers.
- Sell-side platforms are typically differentiated from ad networks in not providing services for advertisers.
- DSPs (demand-side platform) and Ad Networks often buy from Sell Side Platforms.
Provider of a SSP.
Non Exhaustive:
- RubiconProject,
- Pubmatic,
- SpotX