Ad - Targeting

Card Puncher Data Processing


Ad targeting is the process of placing ad where they are the most relevant.



The targeting type of AdSense report shows how advertisers targeted ads on a website site.

The data in the report is broken down into the following targeting types:

  • Contextual, targeting based on keyword analysis, word frequency, font size and the overall link structure of the web
  • Placement, targeting based on your site URL (Ad - Run of Site (ROS) - Ad Targeting on specific website]]
  • Personalised, targeting specific users on your site based on their cookie ID and Google Account if the user opts into these features; however, this targeting type may also include contextual targeting when we don’t have access to user data
  • Run of Network, targeting all sites in the AdSense network, except explicitly excluded sites, according to available inventory
  • None, no targeting used

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