Google Analytics - Data Import

Card Puncher Data Processing


Data Import lets you join the data generated by your offline business systems with the online data collected by Google Analytics.

Upload Process

Data Import works by uploading text files containing external data to a Google Analytics Property. Data Import joins the offline data you've uploaded with the default hit data being collected by Google Analytics from your websites, mobile apps or other devices.

When you configure Data Import, you create a Data Set, which defines one or more dimensions to use as a key. Data Import uses this key to match values in the uploaded data to values in your collected hit data. The rest of your imported data you upload is stored in the dimensions or metrics you define in the Data Set.

Type of import


Hit import method send hit data directly into Google analytics. It's an alternative to using:

  • the tracking code,
  • Collection API,
  • the Mobile SDKs,
  • or the Measurement Protocol.


Extended data import adds to (extends) the data already collected and processed, or being processed, for the selected reporting views.

Typically, this extended data is stored in a custom dimension or metric, though in some cases you might want to overwrite the default information already gathered (for example, importing a campaign's Source or Medium dimension).


Summary data lets sum uploaded metrics. Imported summary data is applied to the selected reporting views after all processing and aggregation of collected data.

Types of Data

Type of import Type of Data Description
Hit Refund Data Align your internal ecommerce reporting with Google Analytics by importing ecommerce refund data.
Extended User Data Create segments and remarketing lists that incorporate imported user metadata, such as a loyalty rating or lifetime customer value
Extended Campaign Data expand and reuse your existing non-Google campaign codes by importing ad campaign-related dimensions, such as source.
Extended Geographical Data Create custom geographical regions, allowing you to report on and analyze Google Analytics data in ways that are better aligned with your business' organization.
Extended Content Data group content using imported content metadata, such as author, date published, and article category.
Extended Product Data Gain better merchandising insights by importing product metadata, such as size, color, style, or other product-related dimensions.
Extended Custom Data provides support for importing custom data sets.
Summary Cost Data include 3rd party (non-Google) ad network clicks, cost and impression data to gain a more complete picture of your ad spend.


Upload data


Imported data can use either default or custom dimensions and metrics. Imported data can be used in reports, remarketing audiences and other Google Analytics tools alongside standard data collected by the website tracking code, mobile SDK or Measurement Protocol.

Documentation / Reference

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