Shell Data Processing - Stream

Card Puncher Data Processing


This page is about the creation of Stream in the Shell context.


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Card Puncher Data Processing
How to process data with a shell pipeline ?

This article shows you how to process data in the shell
Card Puncher Data Processing
Shell Data Processing - Cat command (short for concatenate)

cat generates a stream of data from one or more files It therefore concatenate files. Output file1.txt then file2.txt contents and redirect and create the file fileAll.txt Content of fileAll.txt...
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This page is pipeline operator in a shell language. They are known as filter in a shell language. It is a computer program or shell command (subroutine) that: read from standard input (stream)...
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Shell Data Processing - Pipe ( command to command redirection)

The pipe is a redirection operator held to transmit the stream output (stdout or sterr) of a command to another as stream input. One or more pipe operators followed by command forms a pipeline. Control...
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sed stands for stream editor. It is a filter program used for filtering and transforming text It: takes as input a standard stream input modifies it based on an expression, and returns it as...
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The Standard Error Stream is a stream that contains the error of a command
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Shell Data Processing - Standard Output Stream (stdout)

The Standard Output Stream is the output stream of a command This is a file descriptor linked to a application. your application or a terminal application (TTY or PTY) To create a file from...

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