grep stands for “global regular expression print”.
Grep searches lines of a file that match a regular expression pattern and returns them.
It is by default case sensitive.
Articles Related
Only Filename
grep -Rl term /directory
searches all files in a directory and outputs only filenames with matched results.
grep -i searchTermRegularExpression my/Path/File/RegularExpressionNameFile
- searchTermRegularExpression is the search term
- the option -i turns the search to be case insensitive
Regular expression
- Sample File
Same Line Same Line
> New Line
Same Line 2 Same Line 2
Different Line | Different Line :)
- Code
cat diff.txt | grep '[\>\|]'
- Output:
> New Line
Different Line | Different Line :)
See also egrep. Example: select the line that have user = ou group =
cat /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf | egrep 'user =|group ='
user = www-data
group = www-data
Search within a directory
- with grep
grep -R SearchPattern /myPath/ToADir
- with find
find . -type f -exec grep -l "word"
with Linux - find command
Grep process without the Grep process
- Standard Ps with Grep:
$ ps -ef | grep nqsserver
oracle 4087 4018 0 13:19 pts/0 00:00:00 grep nqsserver
oracle 23915 20779 0 Mar05 ? 00:06:28 nqsserver -quiet
- Grep without Grep
$ ps -ef | grep nqsserver | grep -v grep
oracle 23915 20779 0 Mar05 ? 00:06:28 nqsserver -quiet
- Grep without Grep shortcut (for grep -v)
$ ps -ef | grep [n]qsserver
oracle 23915 20779 0 Mar05 ? 00:06:28 nqsserver -quiet
Grep hidden files
grep pattern .*
.bash_history:echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
.bash_profile: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${TT_HOME}/lib:${TT_HOME}/ttoracle_home/instantclient_11_2:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
grep -iE 'first|second'
- Don't show line with jar
cat myFile | grep -v 'jar'
- With the L option: All ini files *SQL*.ini that doesnot have encrypt=true
grep -r -i -L --include "*.ini" "encrypt=true" .
Keep header
- Capture the first line with read in the variable a
- Print it
- and then grep the rest
ls | { IFS= read line1; echo $line1; grep fileName }
If the header has two lines
command | { IFS= read line1; read line2; echo $line1; echo $line2; grep pattern }