DOS - Findstr (The grep) command

Card Puncher Data Processing


Findstr is an utility that emulates grep.


Search all files that contain the term total

>findstr /S "total" *.*
analysis.xsd:           <xs:attribute name="showhidesubtotal" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/>
analysis.xsd:           <xs:attribute name="totalBuckets" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="optional"/>
analysis.xsd:           <!-- totalBuckets is valid for Nth and Ntile -->
analysis_charttypedef.xsd:          <xs:enumeration value="subtotal" />
analysis_charttypedef.xsd:  <xs:complexType name="totalLabels">
analysis_charttypedef.xsd:        <xs:element name="totalLabel" type="totalLabel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"/>
analysis_charttypedef.xsd:  <xs:complexType name="totalLabel">
analysis_charttypedef.xsd:    <xs:attribute name="type" type="totalType"/>
analysis_charttypedef.xsd:  <xs:simpleType name="totalType">
analysis_charttypedef.xsd:        II.   Subtotal value
analysis_charttypedef.xsd:      <xs:enumeration value="total" />
analysis_charttypedef.xsd:      <xs:enumeration value="subtotal" />
analysis_dataview_common.xsd:    <xs:attribute name="totalLabelsOnly" type="xs:boolean" default="false" use="optional">
analysis_dataview_common.xsd:        <xs:documentation>10G-UPGRADE: needed?  implemented?  

Listing of files from a directory that have the term table in their name

dir | FINDSTR Table
2011-10-12  17:54             1,001 SchemaTableInParalleDefault.sql
2011-11-23  18:17             2,961 SchemaTableLastScn.sql
2011-10-12  17:54             1,720 SchemaTableTruncate.sql
2012-12-30  07:53    <DIR>          Table
2011-10-12  17:54               434 TableConstraintValidate.sql
2011-10-12  17:54             1,134 TableCreateBigTable.sql
2012-01-30  11:24               911 TableDatatypeCharToVarchar.sql
2011-11-30  00:19             2,254 TableDir.sql
2011-11-28  14:41               909 TableForeignKeyofPrimaryKeyDisable.sql
2012-11-08  22:26               841 TableForeignKeyofPrimaryKeyGet.sql
2011-10-14  16:05               935 TableSize.sql
2012-05-15  16:50    <DIR>          Tablespace
2011-10-12  17:54             9,915 TableStatisticsGathering.sql
2011-10-12  17:55               675 TableStorage.sql

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