Dos - Echo

Card Puncher Data Processing


Displays messages, or turns command-echoing on or off.

If you use special character, don't forget to escape them.

How to

echo a blank line

Just add the special characters bracket or period just after the echo command


echo in red or green color

You can echo in color with color terminal escape sequence

for /F %%a in ('"prompt $E$S & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "ESC=%%a"

then use it to create a control sequence

set TEXT=text to print
REM green
echo %ESC%[32m%TEXT %ESC%[0m
REM red
echo %ESC%[32m%TEXT %ESC%[0m

More color see batch_colors.cmd


Display Messages

echo my beautiful message
my beautiful message



Turns command echoing on or off



  • ON is the default

You don't turn on or off the echo function, you turn on or off the echoing of the command.

The Rem command is never echoed


  • With the following bat, echo is by default on
echo my Echo
  • By starting it, you get
> echo my Echo 
my Echo

  • By echoing off, you will get
echo off
echo my Echo
>echo off 
my Echo

  • To suppress the echoing of the echo off, use the section special character
@echo off
echo my Echo
my Echo

Special Character


If a line is prefixed by the special character “@”, the block command will not be echoed to standard output (if echo is turned on) but

an echo message will


  • the following bat file will list the content of a directory (test.bat and my.bat)
for %%v in (*.*) do (echo %%v)
>for %v in (*.*) do (echo %v ) 
>(echo my.bat ) 
>(echo test.bat ) 

  • If you don't want to see the (echo …) message, change your file as below:
for %%v in (*.*) do @(echo %%v)
>for %v in (*.*) do @(echo %v ) 

  • and if you don't want to see the for statement,
@for %%v in (*.*) do @(echo %%v)

  • of course, you can turn off globally (and then not by block command)
@echo off
for %%v in (*.*) do (echo %%v)

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