Dos - If

Card Puncher Data Processing


To get more help on the if statement, type on the command line prompt:

help if



If Else

IF condition (
   ) ELSE (


When using the else construct:

  • The command needs to be terminated by a newline or the block command must be defined with brackets.
  • The else statement must be in the same flow than the if
IF condition (command) ELSE command

Short If

IF condition command


text and number comparison

[/I] [NOT] string1==string2


[/I] string1 compare-op string2


  • the /I switch specify a case insensitive comparison.
  • compare-op may be one of:
    • EQU - equal
    • NEQ - not equal
    • LSS - less than
    • LEQ - less than or equal
    • GTR - greater than
    • GEQ - greater than or equal
  • Text Comparison
@echo off
set hello=hello
if "%hello%"=="hello" echo %hello% world
hello world

  • Number
if 2 GTR 1 (echo Yes) else echo No


[NOT] EXIST filename


  • the parts enclosed between bracket are optional (ie NOT)
  • filename is the name of the file
@echo off
if exist hello.bat (
    echo hello.bat exist
hello.bat exist


Without comparison



This condition will return a true condition if the last program run returned an exit code (Errorlevel) equal to or greater than the number specified. When a command executes without error it terminates with an exit status of zero.

With comparison

With the string comparison

[NOT] %ERRORLEVEL% [compare-op]  number 


  • %ERRORLEVEL% is the dynamic variable of ERRORLEVEL
  • compare-op can be one of the following
    • EQU - equal
    • NEQ - not equal
    • LSS - less than
    • LEQ - less than or equal
    • GTR - greater than
    • GEQ - greater than or equal

See Error level example



[NOT] DEFINED variableName


if not defined v (echo v is not defined) else echo %v%
v is not defined

set v=Call Me Nico
if not defined v (echo v is not defined) else echo %v%
Call Me Nico


was unexpected at this time.

This error occurs really often when you test a condition over a variable that is not set.

The command interpreter first replace the variable with its value before starting the command and the result is an error in the syntax as the variable has no value.

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