DOS - Parse a property file
How to parse a property file in DOS with the F option of the FOR loop.
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Dos Script to list the content
:: The lines beginning with # will be skipped
FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims== eol=# " %%i in ('type "path to\"') do (
@echo i = %%i
@echo j = %%j
i = myHostName
j = gerardnico.local
i = myPort
j = 1521
Conditional processing with a if statement:
FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims== eol=# " %%i in ('type "path to\"') do (
if "%%i" == "myHostName" @echo - My Host Name is %%j
if "%%i" == "myPort" @echo - My Port is %%j
- My Host Name is gerardnico.local
- My Port is 1521