Relational Algebra - Theta-join

Relational Algebra Between Sql And Query Plan


A theta-join is a difficult/complex join where the condition is not a equality.


  • Band join
  • or range join.

A theta is a join that links tables based on a relationship other than the equality between two columns.

A theta join could use any other operator than the equal operator.

A theta may not have any join key in the sql but you still have a join physically (ie when running the sql).


Algebraic rule

Theta Join

Physically, the join of R1 and R2 with the condition theta is the same than the selection of the cross product of R1 and R2 with the condition theta.


Find all customer in a age range

Theta Join Example

Find all the hospitals within 5 miles of a school

Theta Join Hospitals Schools Distance

select distinct
from hospitals h, schools s
distance(h.location,s.location) < 5

where: What is a Distance?

Find all user clicks made within 5 seconds of page load

Find all user clicks made within 5 seconds of page load

Theta Join Click Made Within 5 Seconds

select *
from Clicks c, PageLoads p
abs(c.click_time - p.load_time) < 5

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