Geometry - Axis

Card Puncher Data Processing


Axis are one of the primary element of an coordinate system.

Same as Data Viz - Rule (Reference lines) ?

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Utah Teapot
Data Viz - Bounding Box

The minimum bounding box of a point set is the same as the minimum bounding box of its convex hull, a fact which may be used heuristically to speed up computation. The minimum bounding box of a point...
Utah Teapot
Data Viz - Rule (Reference lines)

Same as ?
Card Puncher Data Processing
Geometry - (Coordinate|Spatial Reference) System (SRID|EPSG)

In 1618, Rene Descartes had an idea... while lying in bed and watching a fly on the ceiling. He could describe the location of the fly in terms of two numbers: its distance from the two walls. He realized...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Geometry - Skewing (Shearing)

Shear is a transform that rotates one axis so that the axes are no longer perpendicular. It means offsetting the coordinates along one or two axes based on the distance along the remaining axis. Under...
Utah Teapot
Viz - (Graph|Axis) Height

Height may design: the height of an axis or the height of a chart
Area Graph Sunspot 1700 2003
Viz - Graph Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio of a graph between the height and width of the axis. rate of change0963488414The Elements of Graphing Data (1994) Viewers can best understand changes in the slope of the line when...
Utah Teapot
Viz - Graph Width

Width in graph may design: the width of an axis or the width of a chart
Utah Teapot
Viz - Guide

Guides are Axes and Legends that visualize scale
Utah Teapot
Z Order

The z order gives the order of appearance in the z axis and places the graphical object in the background or foreground. The z-order apply to the graphical object and to its descendants. It provides...

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