The Application plugin allows you to:
- get all applications JARs as well as all of their transitive dependencies
- add two startup scripts (one for UNIX-like operations systems and one for Windows) to run your application.
- bundle all this material into a single ZIP or TAR file.
Shortcut of the maven assembly plugin
You don't get the possibility to bundle a JVM. See this page for an example on how to do it in pure gradle: How to bundle a jvm in a Gradle application targeting Windows, Linux or Macos
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'application'
mainClassName = 'package.mainClass'
- mainClassName is the main class
In kotlin:
- creating a script
val tabliStartScripts = tasks.register<CreateStartScripts>("tabliStartScripts") {
outputDir = file("${buildDir}/scripts")
applicationName = "applicationName"
mainClassName = "com.example.Main"
classpath = files(configurations.runtimeClasspath) + files(jar.archiveFileName)
- Modifying the packaged template for all CreateStartScripts tasks
* Bug in windows: The input line is too long because of a big classpath
(windowsStartScriptGenerator as TemplateBasedScriptGenerator).template = resources.text.fromFile("src/gradle/windowsStartScript.bat")