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Statement objects are created by Connection objects
Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection(user, passwd);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()
The Statement interface defines methods for executing SQL statements.
There is also two subclasses:
- The PreparedStatement interface adds methods for setting input parameters (binding variable|markers), see JDBC - PreparedStatement (bind variable, parameter markers)
- The CallableStatement interface adds methods for retrieving output parameter values returned from stored procedures. See JDBC - Callable Statement (Stored Procedure)
Type of SQL and type of execute method
The method used to execute a Statement object depends on the type of SQL statement being executed. If the Statement object is:
- an SELECT SQL query returning a ResultSet object, the method executeQuery should be used. See ResultSet#example
- a DDL statement or a DML statement returning an update count, the method executeUpdate should be used. Ex: Insert, Update, Create as select,…
- unknown, the method execute should be used.
Statements may also be batched, allowing an application to submit multiple statement as a single unit of execution.
The setQueryTimeout method may be used to specify the minimum amount of time before a a JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. A JDBC driver must apply this limit to the execute, executeBatch, executeQuery and executeUpdate methods.