Google Analytics - Cookies

Card Puncher Data Processing

Google Analytics - Cookies


How to manage Cookies in the Browser via Javascript? used in google analytics


Their prefixed are called utm because of What are the UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) known as Campaign Parameters?. Google analytics comes fro Urchin.


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Card Puncher Data Processing
Google Analytics - Utma Cookie

The Utma cookie is one of the Ga cookie that fulfill the role of cookie identifier The __utma cookie is used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library...
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Google Analytics - Utmb cookie

The Utmb cookie is one of the Ga cookie that fulfill the role of session cookie It's used to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and it does...
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id The unique ID of the page or screen call itself received_at When the page or screen call was received sent_at When the page or screen call was triggered by the user a collaborative recommandation...

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