Virtual Box - Disk

Virtualbox Extension Pack Installation


there are two options of how to create a disk image:

  • fixed-size
  • or dynamically allocated.


Fixed Size

An image file will be created on your host system which has roughly the same size as the virtual disk's capacity. So, for a 10G disk, you will have a 10G file.


  • Initially very small
  • Grow every time a disk sector is written to for the first time, until the drive reaches the maximum capacity


With two tools:

  • or the virtual manager gui (Don't forget to open it again after modification at the command line with VBoxManage


Virtualbox Media Manager


VBoxManage.exe list hdds
UUID:           75f8ad10-ea21-4428-8963-3e8b039c0843
Parent UUID:    base
State:          inaccessible
Type:           normal (base)
Location:       D:\tmp\resized.vmdk
Storage format: vmdk
Capacity:       40960 MBytes
Encryption:     disabled


VBoxManage.exe closemedium disk <uuid> --delete


The modifyhd works only with VHI and VHD format for vmdk, you need to clone it first.

  • Clone to vdi
VBoxManage clonehd "source.vmdk" "cloned.vdi" --format vdi
# VBoxManage.exe clonemedium /home/Users/gerard/.docker/machine/machines/default/disk.vmdk disk.vdi --format vdi
Clone medium created in format 'vdi'. UUID: 7daa25c4-4297-4b72-bf61-11077fbfc2bf

  • Modify Logical Volume Size
VBoxManage.exe modifyhd cloned.vdi --resize 40960 # 40Gb

  • Back to vmdk
VBoxManage clonehd "cloned.vdi" "resized.vmdk" --format vmdk
Clone medium created in format 'vmdk'. UUID: 75f8ad10-ea21-4428-8963-3e8b039c0843

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