The Stack Segment is a segment that holds a stack.
It's a stack implementation of memory locations.
As the stack is a segment, it is a contiguous array of memory locations.
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When using:
- the flat memory model, the stack can be located anywhere in the linear address space for the program.
Operations (PUSH|POP)
Items are:
- placed on the stack using the PUSH instruction
- removed from the stack using the POP instruction.
When an item is:
- pushed onto the stack, the processor decrements the ESP register, then writes the item at the new top of stack.
- popped off the stack, the processor reads the item from the top of stack, then increments the ESP register.
In this manner, the stack:
- grows down in memory (towards lesser addresses) when items are pushed on the stack
- and shrinks up (towards greater addresses) when the items are popped from the stack.
A stack can be up to 4 GBytes long, the maximum size of a segment.
The ESP Stack pointer register points to the top of the stack segment.
The EBP Base Pointer general purpose register points to the base of the stack segment