Flyway is a database migration tool.
Articles Related
Type of script
- versioned (prefix= 1,2,…)
- repetable (prefix=R).
State by script:
- pending,
- outdated,
- success
flyway [options] command
By default, the configuration will be read from conf/flyway.conf.
Options passed from the command-line override the configuration.
- migrate : Migrates the database
- clean : Drops all objects in the configured schemas
- info : Prints the information about applied, current and pending migrations
- validate : Validates the applied migrations against the ones on the classpath
- undo : Undoes the most recently applied versioned migration
- baseline : Baselines an existing database at the baselineVersion
- repair : Repairs the schema history table
Options (Format: -key=value):
- driver : Fully qualified classname of the JDBC driver
- url : Jdbc url to use to connect to the database
- user : User to use to connect to the database
- password : Password to use to connect to the database
- schemas : Comma-separated list of the schemas managed by Flyway
- table : Name of Flyway's schema history table
- locations : Classpath locations to scan recursively for migrations
- resolvers : Comma-separated list of custom MigrationResolvers
- skipDefaultResolvers : Skips default resolvers (jdbc, sql and Spring-jdbc)
- sqlMigrationPrefix : File name prefix for versioned SQL migrations
- undoSqlMigrationPrefix : File name prefix for undo SQL migrations
- repeatableSqlMigrationPrefix : File name prefix for repeatable SQL migrations
- sqlMigrationSeparator : File name separator for sql migrations
- sqlMigrationSuffixes : Comma-separated list of file name suffixes for sql migrations
- mixed : Allow mixing transactional and non-transactional statements
- encoding : Encoding of sql migrations
- placeholderReplacement : Whether placeholders should be replaced
- placeholders : Placeholders to replace in sql migrations
- placeholderPrefix : Prefix of every placeholder
- placeholderSuffix : Suffix of every placeholder
- installedBy : Username that will be recorded in the schema history table
- target : Target version up to which Flyway should use migrations
- outOfOrder : Allows migrations to be run “out of order”
- callbacks : Comma-separated list of FlywayCallback classes
- skipDefaultCallbacks : Skips default callbacks (sql)
- validateOnMigrate : Validate when running migrate
- ignoreMissingMigrations : Allow missing migrations when validating
- ignoreFutureMigrations : Allow future migrations when validating
- cleanOnValidationError : Automatically clean on a validation error
- cleanDisabled : Whether to disable clean
- baselineVersion : Version to tag schema with when executing baseline
- baselineDescription : Description to tag schema with when executing baseline
- baselineOnMigrate : Baseline on migrate against uninitialized non-empty schema
- configFiles : Comma-separated list of config files to use
- configFileEncoding : Encoding to use when loading the config files
- jarDirs : Comma-separated list of dirs for Jdbc drivers & Java migrations
- dryRunOutput : File where to output the SQL statements of a migration dry run
- errorHandlers : Comma-separated list of handlers for errors and warnings
- -X : Print debug output
- -q : Suppress all output, except for errors and warnings
- -n : Suppress prompting for a user and password
- -v : Print the Flyway version and exit
- -? : Print this usage info and exit
flyway -user=myuser -password=s3cr3t -url=jdbc:h2:mem -placeholders.abc=def migrate
flyway info
| Category | Version | Description | Type | Installed On | State |
| Versioned | 1 | Create person table | SQL | 2018-04-05 07:03:22 | Success |
| Versioned | 2 | Add people.sql | SQL | 2018-04-05 07:03:22 | Success |
| Repeatable | | People view.sql | SQL | 2018-04-05 07:03:42 | Outdated |
| Repeatable | | People view.sql | SQL | | Pending |
Documentation / Reference
- More info at https://flywaydb.org/documentation/commandline