Database - Model

Data System Architecture


This article is a draft containing a collection of fact.

  • object-oriented databases. Object-Relation type-Object model is based on the assumption that any fact can be expressed in the form of one or more binary relationships. The model is used in Object Role Modeling (ORM), RDF/Notation 3 (N3) and in Gellish English.


Types of databases:


  • Distributed Graph & document (OrientDB, …)
  • Document (Couchbase, …)
  • Key/value : Riak
  • Odbms (db4o, ….)
  • XML (Sedna, …)
  • RDF (Sesame, …)
  • Clustered RDBMS (Cubrid, …)

Data Structure

Database representation:

  • Parents, siblings, and children (Tree, Xml)
  • Rows and Columns (Relational Database)
  • Records and Pointers (Network Database)
  • Nodes and Edges

Type of Database

Relational Database

(Relation|Table) - Tabular data

Multidimensional Database (Olap/Molap Server)

Multidimensional databases, generally smaller and minder scalable than relational databases, offer sophisticated analytic capabilities. By integrating data from a relational database in an Multidimensional database, you can leverage the scalability of the relational database with the analytic power of the multidimensional database.

Desktop Databases

  • Excel
  • OpenOffice

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