Color - Name

Monet Femme Ombrelle 1886 Logo


The name of a color that is attached to a color

When the color of the object is not completely contigu (discrete), the color name is its most obvious, or dominant hue.

CSS List

Css defined a whole list of name 1).

Keyword numerical RGB Page
aqua #00ffff
black #000000 black
blue #0000ff blue
cyan cyan
fuchsia #ff00ff
gray #808080 gray
green #008000 green
lime #00ff00
magenta magenta
maroon #800000
navy #000080
olive #808000
orange #ffA500 orange
purple #800080
red #ff0000 red
silver #c0c0c0
teal #008080
violet #008080 violet
white (white ;-)) #ffffff white
yellow #ffff00 yellow


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