Recent Articles Changed
Data System Architecture
SQL - Interval

Modified Friday 30-08 10:08

time duration is known as interval in SQL. An SQL interval data type descriptor contains: the name of the interval data type (INTERVAL); an indication of whether the interval data type is : a year-month interval. It can include only YEAR, MONTHfielfields...

Data System Architecture

Modified Friday 30-08 10:08

in SQL. A join is a SQL clause statement which define the set operation such as: intersection, union, that the database must perform between two or more relation (table, view, query, ...). The result set is beautifully illustrated with a Venn_diagram....

Data System Architecture
What are the LAG and LEAD SQL functions ?

Modified Friday 30-08 10:08

lag and lead are Sql window functions that provide access to a row at a given offset prior to/after the current row position.

Left Join Result Discard
What is a SQL Left (Outer) Join?

Modified Friday 30-08 10:08

A Left Outer is a join that shows: All data from the left table and any data that matches the join predicate with the right table. In some databases, LEFT JOIN is called LEFT OUTER JOIN. Causes the data of the shared records found in the second...

Data System Architecture
SQL - LOB (large object)

Modified Friday 30-08 10:08

The term large object (LOB) refers to a data item that is too large to be stored directly in a database table. Instead, a pointer is stored in the database table, which points to the location of the actual data: ie: a file in the local file system...

SQL - Materialized View

Modified Friday 30-08 10:08

A materialized view is an auxiliary data structure that persist the result of a query in a table format managed by the cache system of the database. The refresh of the data is defined in criteria: at time interval, or incrementally via the the...

Data System Architecture
SQL - Merge (Upsert)

Modified Friday 30-08 10:08

A merge statement execute an expression if an expression matches and an other if not. Database Upsert style MySQL INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY REPLACE .. Oracle MERGE .. PostgreSQL INSERT .. ON CONFLICT .. DO UPDATE SET .. SQLite INSERT OR...

Data System Architecture
SQL - Natural Join

Modified Friday 30-08 10:08

A natural join is an equi-join on the same attribute name (column) of each relation (table, query, ...) It's a shorthand equi-join where the equality predicate applied to all shared attributes. Create the table And insert Natural Join Select...

Recent Articles Created
Card Puncher Data Processing
Ansible - Action Plugin Module Type

Created Friday 30-08 10:11

An Action Plugin is a type of module that: set up some values on the controller, (ie create a start state) then invoke an other module on the managed node that does something with these values.

Card Puncher Data Processing
Ansible - Ad-hoc command

Created Friday 30-08 10:11

Adhoc command are command executed as in the shell via ansible. You can therefore execute command on a whole cluster of server. This is because the default module of the ansible command line is command We define the servers in a ini inventory...

Card Puncher Data Processing
Ansible - ansible-playbook cli

Created Friday 30-08 10:11

You may get this problem when one of your file that defines ansible property has no content (ie is empty)

Card Puncher Data Processing
Ansible - ansible-pull

Created Friday 30-08 10:11

ansible-pull is command line client that runs playbook in a pull way (ie on the localhost) whereas ansible-playbook will run them in a push way. It is a small script that will checkout a repo of configuration instructions from git, and then run ansible-playbook...

Card Puncher Data Processing
Ansible - Ansible-vault

Created Friday 30-08 10:11

ansible-vault is a command line utility that permits to add/get sensitive data (file or property value) into an encrypted format called a vault Example of sensitive data: password private keys When running a playbook, Ansible finds: the sensitive...

Card Puncher Data Processing
Ansible - ansible.cfg

Created Friday 30-08 10:11

Card Puncher Data Processing
Ansible - Ansible command line

Created Friday 30-08 10:11

Ansible define and run a single playbook task against a set of hosts. Ansible “raw” module is a command line for executing commands in a quick and dirty way. The script module don’t even need Python installed. /usr/bin/ansible Running...

Card Puncher Data Processing
Ansible - Azure

Created Friday 30-08 10:11

in Azure ansible/ansible/blob/devel/contrib/inventory/azure_rm.iniazure_rm.ini config Then Command in all host of resourceGroup with the ansible cli The playbook Run ...

Data all the way

Always keep one hand firmly on data, Amos liked to say.

Data is what set psychology apart from philosophy, and physics from metaphysics.

Amos Tversky (The undoing project)
Data Warehouse Subsystem

Data Warehouse Subsystems

Developing a data warehouse means assembling a lot of subsystems in order to create a whole and coherent data application.

Discovers the 34 Kimball Subsystems and drill down to discover them

Data Warehouse Subsystems

Card Puncher Data Processing

Data Processing

Data processing has changed a lot since 1940 :) and luckily, we are not using punch card anymore.

Stream processing is becoming the norm in data integration task while batch processing stays the king in data analysis.

Data Processing

ENIAC, 1946

The first fully electronic digital computer

Eniac 1946

Table Recursion Rectangle

Data Modeling

Data Modeling is the translation of process into the world of data. The process is tricky but not insurmountable.

Data Modeling

Dimensional Data Modeling

Dimensional Data Modeling permits you to model a (hyper)cube and analyse a process through different perspective. You define dimensions, measures and metrics.

Dimensional Data Modeling

Most programs process some input to produce some output; that’s pretty much the definition of computing.

Function Home


A Function is the basic block of all reusable code component. It is also becoming the central component of any serverless architecture.


Knowledge isn't free. You have to pay attention.

Computing Division at the Department of the Treasury, mid 1920s

Computing Division At The Dept Of The Treasur 1920

Remington Rand Univac

Medieval Counting Table

Table / Relation

The table format (known also as a relation) is the most important data structure used in data analysis. Did you know that its name originate from the medieval counting table ?


Education isn't something you can finish.

Richard Feynman
Task Runner