
Card Puncher Data Processing


Corutils is a package of essential executable command line client (used greatly in shell script)

See also Utils Linux


Name Description
arch Print machine hardware name.
b2sum Print or check BLAKE2 digests.
base32 Base32 encode/decode data.
base64 Base64 encode/decode data.
basename Strip directory and suffix.
basenc Encoding/decoding of data.
cat Concatenate and write files.
chcon Change SELinux CTX of files.
chrgrp Change file groups.
chmod Change access permissions.
chown Change file owners and groups.
chroot Specify the root directory.
cksum Print POSIX CRC checksum.
comm Compare sorted files by line.
cp Copy files.
csplit Split by context.
cut Print selected parts of lines.
date Print/set system date and time.
dd Copy and convert a file.
df Report file system usage.
dir List directories briefly.
dircolors Color setup for ls.
dirname Strip last file name component.
du Report file usage.
echo Print a line of text.
env Modify the environment.
expand Convert tabs to spaces.
expr Evaluate expressions.
factor Print prime factors
false Do nothing, unsuccessfully.
fmt Reformat paragraph text.
fold Wrap long input lines.
groups Print group names a user is in.
head Output the first part of files.
hostid Print numeric host identifier.
hostname Print or set system name.
id Print user identity.
install Copy files and set attributes.
join Join lines on a common field.
kill Send a signal to processes.
link Make hard links between files.
ln Make links between files.
logname Print current login name.
ls List directory contents.
md5sum Print or check MD5 digests.
mkdir Create directories.
mkfifo Create FIFOs (named pipes).
mknod Create special files.
mktemp Create temporary files.
mv Rename files.
nice Modify niceness.
nl Number lines and write files.
nohup Immunize to hangups.
nproc Print the number of processors.
numfmt Reformat numbers.
od Dump files in octal, etc.
paste Merge lines of files.
pathchk Check file name portability.
pinky Print information about users.
pr Paginate or columnate files.
printenv Print environment variables.
printf Format and print data.
ptx Produce permuted indexes.
pwd Print working directory.
readlink Print referent of a symlink.
realpath Print resolved file names.
rm Remove files.
rmdir Remove empty directories.
runcon Run in specified SELinux CTX.
seq Print numeric sequences
sha1sum Print or check SHA-1 digests.
sha2 Print or check SHA-2 digests.
shred Remove files more securely.
shuf Shuffling text files.
sleep Delay for a specified time.
sort Sort text files.
split Split into pieces.
stat Report file(system) status.
stdbuf Modify stdio buffering.
stty Print/change terminal settings.
sum Print traditional checksum.
sync Sync files to stable storage.
tac Reverse files.
tail Output the last part of files.
tee Redirect to multiple files.
test File/string tests.
timeout Run with time limit.
touch Change file timestamps.
tr Translate characters.
true Do nothing, successfully.
truncate Shrink/extend size of a file.
tsort Topological sort.
tty Print terminal name.
uname Print system information.
unexpand Convert spaces to tabs.
uniq Uniquify files.
unlink Removal via unlink(2).
uptime Print uptime and load.
users Print current user names.
vdir List directories verbosely.
wc Line, word, and byte counts.
who Print who is logged in.
whoami Print effective user ID.
yes Print a string indefinitely.

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