Windows - netsh (Netshell)

Windows 95 Wallpaper Version


Netsh is a command-line scripting utility that allows you to, either locally or remotely, display or modify the network configuration of a windows computer.


Netsh works with context which is a group of commands specific to a networking component.

netsh dnsclient>
  • advfirewall - Windows firewall
  • branchcache
  • bridge
  • dhcpclient
  • dnsclient - dns client
  • firewall
  • http
  • ipsec
  • lan
  • mbn
  • namespace
  • nap
  • netio
  • p2p
  • ras
  • rpc
  • trace
  • wcn
  • wfp
  • winhttp
  • winsock
  • wlan

Dll files

Operating Systems - (Native) Libraries

netsh show helper
Helper GUID                             DLL Filename  Command
--------------------------------------  ------------  -------
{02BC1F81-D927-4EC5-8CBC-8DD65E3E38E8}  AUTHFWCFG.DLL  advfirewall
{FB10CBCA-5430-46CE-B732-079B4E23BE24}  AUTHFWCFG.DLL    consec
{35342B49-83B4-4FCC-A90D-278533D5BEA2}  AUTHFWCFG.DLL    firewall
{4BD827F7-1E83-462D-B893-F33A80C5DE1D}  AUTHFWCFG.DLL    mainmode
{4D0FEFCB-8C3E-4CDE-B39B-325933727297}  AUTHFWCFG.DLL    monitor
{A31CB05A-1213-4F4E-B420-0EE908B896CB}  PEERDISTSH.DLL  branchcache
{555EA58E-72B1-4F0A-9055-779D0F5400B2}  PEERDISTSH.DLL    smb
{00770721-44EA-11D5-93BA-00B0D022DD1F}  HNETMON.DLL   bridge
{6DC31EC5-3583-4901-9E28-37C28113656A}  DHCPCMONITOR.DLL  dhcpclient
{8A6D23B3-0AF2-4101-BC6E-8114B325FE17}  NETIOHLP.DLL  dnsclient
{8B3A0D7F-1F30-4402-B753-C4B2C7607C97}  FWCFG.DLL     firewall
{44F3288B-DBFF-4B31-A86E-633F50D706B3}  NSHHTTP.DLL   http
{0705ECA1-7AAC-11D2-89DC-006008B0E5B9}  IFMON.DLL     interface
{1C151866-F35B-4780-8CD2-E1924E9F03E1}  NETIOHLP.DLL    6to4
{97C192DB-A774-43E6-BE78-1FABD795EEAB}  NETIOHLP.DLL    httpstunnel
{725588AC-7A11-4220-A121-C92C915E8B73}  NETIOHLP.DLL    ipv4
{500F32FD-7064-476B-8FD6-2171EA46428F}  NETIOHLP.DLL    ipv6
{90E1CBE1-01D9-4174-BB4D-EB97F3F6150D}  NETIOHLP.DLL      6to4
{90E1CBE1-01D9-4174-BB4D-EB97F3F6150D}  NETIOHLP.DLL      isatap
{1C151866-F35B-4780-8CD2-E1924E9F03E1}  NETIOHLP.DLL    isatap
{1C151866-F35B-4780-8CD2-E1924E9F03E1}  NETIOHLP.DLL    portproxy
{78197B47-2BEF-49CA-ACEB-D8816371BAA8}  NETIOHLP.DLL    tcp
{1C151866-F35B-4780-8CD2-E1924E9F03E1}  NETIOHLP.DLL    teredo
{F7E0BC27-BA6E-4145-A123-012F1922F3F1}  NSHIPSEC.DLL  ipsec
{F7E0BC29-BA6E-4145-A123-012F1922F3F1}  NSHIPSEC.DLL    dynamic
{F7E0BC28-BA6E-4145-A123-012F1922F3F1}  NSHIPSEC.DLL    static
{1D8240C7-48B9-47CC-9E40-4F7A0A390E71}  DOT3CFG.DLL   lan
{B572D5F3-E15B-4501-84F2-6626F762AFB1}  WWANCFG.DLL   mbn
{B341E8BA-13AA-4E08-8CF1-A6F2D8B0C229}  NETIOHLP.DLL  namespace
{00B399EA-447F-4B19-8393-F9D71D7760F9}  NAPMONTR.DLL  nap
{3F8A1180-FF5D-4B5B-934C-D08DFFBC9CBC}  NAPMONTR.DLL    client
{B123BAAA-79E9-49FD-AB2C-E87C56CE4CFF}  NAPMONTR.DLL    hra
{931852E2-597D-40B9-B927-55FFC81A6104}  NETIOHLP.DLL  netio
{B7BE4347-E851-4EEC-BC65-B0C0E87B86E3}  P2PNETSH.DLL  p2p
{9E0D63D7-4644-476B-9DAC-D62F96E08376}  P2PNETSH.DLL    collab
{6ED05238-F6A3-F801-967A-5CAD6F6CAC56}  P2PNETSH.DLL      contact
{E35A9D1F-61E8-4CF5-A46C-0F715A9303B8}  P2PNETSH.DLL    group
{9AA625FC-7E31-4679-B5B5-DFC67A3510AB}  P2PNETSH.DLL      database
{FBFC037E-D455-4B8D-80A5-B379002DBCAD}  P2PNETSH.DLL    idmgr
{9E0D63D6-4644-476B-9DAC-D64F96E01376}  P2PNETSH.DLL    pnrp
{1DD4935A-E587-4D16-AE27-14E40385AB12}  P2PNETSH.DLL      cloud
{AD1D76C9-434B-48E0-9D2C-31FA93D9635A}  P2PNETSH.DLL      diagnostics
{6EC05238-F6A3-4801-967A-5C9D6F6CAC50}  P2PNETSH.DLL      peer
{0705ECA2-7AAC-11D2-89DC-006008B0E5B9}  RASMONTR.DLL  ras
{42E3CC21-098C-11D3-8C4D-00104BCA495B}  RASMONTR.DLL    aaaa
{90FE6CFC-B6A2-463B-AA12-25E615EC3C66}  RASMONTR.DLL    diagnostics
{13D12A78-D0FB-11D2-9B76-00104BCA495B}  RASMONTR.DLL    ip
{36B3EF76-94C1-460F-BD6F-DF0178D90EAC}  RASMONTR.DLL    ipv6
{592852F7-5F6F-470B-9097-C5D33B612975}  RPCNSH.DLL    rpc
{C07E293F-9531-4426-8E5C-D7EBBA50F693}  RPCNSH.DLL      filter
{D3E9D893-852F-4E22-B05D-99293065773D}  NETTRACE.DLL  trace
{C100BECD-D33A-4A4B-BF23-BBEF4663D017}  WCNNETSH.DLL  wcn
{3BB6DA1D-AC0C-4972-AC05-B22F49DEA9B6}  NSHWFP.DLL    wfp
{0BFDC146-56A3-4311-A7D5-7D9953F8326E}  WHHELPER.DLL  winhttp
{B2C0EEF4-CCE5-4F55-934E-ABF60F3DCF56}  WSHELPER.DLL  winsock
{D424E730-1DB7-4287-8C9B-0774F5AD0576}  WLANCFG.DLL   wlan
Netsh interacts with other operating system components using dynamic-link library (DLL) files. 

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