Windows - Services

Windows 95 Wallpaper Version

Windows - Services


service management in Windows

For programs that are started when a user log in, see Windows - Startup Programs


Stop / Start

You can manage them (stop, start) with the services components of Windows :

  • XP : All Program > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > Administrative Tools > Services
  • XP : Right Click on “My Computer”, select “Manage”. The computer management must appear. Go to “Services and applications” > Services

Command line:

  • With the net command line: When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START “NET LOGON” starts the net logon service.
net stop serviceName
net start serviceName

net pause serviceName
net continue serviceName
  • or with the sc command line. The sc command will start a service on a remote computer.
sc \\hostname start serviceName


net start

With the net command line:

net start 
These Windows services are started:

   Application Information
   Background Intelligent Transfer Service
   Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
   Base Filtering Engine
   BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
   Bluetooth Support Service
   CNG Key Isolation
   COM+ Event System
   Connected Devices Platform Service
   Connected Devices Platform User Service_111655
   Connected User Experiences and Telemetry
   Contact Data_111655
   Credential Manager
   Cryptographic Services
   Data Sharing Service
   Data Usage
   DCOM Server Process Launcher
   Delivery Optimization
   Device Association Service
   DHCP Client
   Diagnostic Policy Service
   Diagnostic Service Host
   Diagnostic System Host
   Distributed Link Tracking Client
   DNS Client
   Encrypting File System (EFS)
   Extensible Authentication Protocol
   F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon
   F-Secure Automatic Update Agent
   F-Secure Management Agent
   F-Secure Network Request Broker
   F-Secure Ultralight Hoster
   F-Secure Ultralight ORSP Client
   Function Discovery Provider Host
   Function Discovery Resource Publication
   Geolocation Service
   Group Policy Client
   HomeGroup Provider
   Host Network Service
   Human Interface Device Service
   HV Host Service
   Hyper-V Host Compute Service
   Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management
   IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
   Intel Bluetooth Service
   Intel(R) Content Protection HDCP Service
   Intel(R) Content Protection HECI Service
   Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface Service
   Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework service
   Intel(R) HD Graphics Control Panel Service
   Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service
   Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log
   Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service
   Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Zero Configuration Service
   Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
   IP Helper
   IPsec Policy Agent
   Local Session Manager
   Microsoft Office Click-to-Run Service
   Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
   Network Connection Broker
   Network List Service
   Network Location Awareness
   Network Setup Service
   Network Store Interface Service
   NVIDIA Display Container LS
   NVIDIA Telemetry Container
   NVIDIA WMI Provider
   Payments and NFC/SE Manager
   Plug and Play
   Print Spooler
   Program Compatibility Assistant Service
   Pulse Secure Service
   Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
   Radio Management Service
   Realtek Audio Service
   Remote Access Connection Manager
   Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
   RPC Endpoint Mapper
   Secondary Logon
   Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service
   Security Accounts Manager
   Security Center
   Shell Hardware Detection
   SSDP Discovery
   State Repository Service
   Storage Service
   Sync Host_111655
   System Event Notification Service
   System Events Broker
   Task Scheduler
   TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
   Time Broker
   Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service
   Update Orchestrator Service
   User Data Access_111655
   User Data Storage_111655
   User Manager
   User Profile Service
   Waves Audio Services
   Web Account Manager
   Windows Audio
   Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
   Windows Connection Manager
   Windows Defender Firewall
   Windows Defender Security Center Service
   Windows Event Log
   Windows Font Cache Service
   Windows License Manager Service
   Windows Management Instrumentation
   Windows Push Notifications System Service
   Windows Push Notifications User Service_111655
   Windows Search
   Windows Time
   Windows Update
   WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
   Wired AutoConfig
   WLAN AutoConfig

The command completed successfully.

System Info

Windows - System Information

Windows Service Programs Sysinfo


Well known services by port

  • Windows: “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services”
echo                7/tcp
echo                7/udp
discard             9/tcp    sink null
discard             9/udp    sink null
systat             11/tcp    users                  #Active users
systat             11/udp    users                  #Active users
daytime            13/tcp
daytime            13/udp
qotd               17/tcp    quote                  #Quote of the day
qotd               17/udp    quote                  #Quote of the day
chargen            19/tcp    ttytst source          #Character generator
chargen            19/udp    ttytst source          #Character generator
ftp-data           20/tcp                           #FTP, data
ftp                21/tcp                           #FTP. control
ssh                22/tcp                           #SSH Remote Login Protocol


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