What is DKIM, the Email DomainKeys Identified Mail? (Mail Signatures)


DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method:

The signature associates:


Because the DKIM process signs digitally all messages send, the receiving end can:

  • authenticate the sender (not spam or phishing)
  • verify that the message was not modified.

How it works

Steps to set up DKIM

Generate a Private / Public Key Pair

As the first step, you should generate a key pair for your domain.

If you use an email provider, the key is provided by them.

Create a DKIM DNS Record

A DNS record should create with:

  • a DNS key
  • that contains as value, the public key

Email servers can use this key to verify your messages' DKIM signatures.

Example for Google as email provider:

Dkim Entry


The DNS Key has the following structure:


where selector permits to have several dkim signatory. See the selector section for more information

The domain is the DNS domain and is known as signing domain identifier (sdid) in the DKIM jargon.







  • k is the public key implementation (in this case: RSA)
  • p is the public key

Enable DKIM and control the DKIM signature header

A DKIM filter is the filter application or client that adds the DKIM signature to all outgoing messages.

After enabling DKIM processing:

For example:

DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 server01.bytle.net 3E16E1FBE8
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=bytle.net;
	s=dkimSelector; t=1591988898;


  • a is the algorithm used to generate the signature. Mostly rsa-sha256, ie a RSA signature hashed by the sha256 algorithm)
  • s is the dkim selector that you find in the domain record
  • d is the domain known as sdid
  • t is the Signature Timestamp
  • b is the signature (ie the output if the signature algorithm)
  • h is the header fields used as input of the signature algorithm
  • c specifies the canonicalization algorithms for the headers and body (default is simple/simple). It manages how the email can be modified in transit while preserving the signature:
    • simple tolerates almost no email modification in transit
    • relaxed tolerates common modifications such as whitespace replacement and header field line rewrapping.


This section talks about the metadata that are included in the DKIM-Signature value.


The selector permits selecting the DNS record that contains the public key. It has generally the value of your mail provider that will sign your email.

The DKIM selector:

  • is specified as an attribute of the DKIM-signature header field (the s key) in the emails send.
  • permit multiple public keys (under the same organization's domain name).

Example with an entry for google:

Dkim Selector

Signing Domain Identifier (SDID)

The sdid 1) is the domain site where the public key can be found. In the DKIM Signature header, you can find it in the d property:


DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=bytle.net;
	s=dkimSelector; t=1591988898; ...

Agent or User Identifier (AUID)

The AUID 2) is an optional value that identifies the user agent that has signed the message.

You can find its value in the signature on the i property.


DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple; d=example.com; [email protected]; 

The value is an email value.

Example of values:

The default value is

How to lookup DKIM record ?

You can lookup the dkim record.

Example with Nslookup

# nslookup -type=TXT selector._domainkey.sdid
nslookup -type=TXT google._domainkey.datacadamia.com
Non-authoritative answer:
google._domainkey.datacadamia.com       text =

        "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAkGtLDG3wTcwJIuWDiKLXIAB1VmIRKbt0G6RamA6I+vbJf9HmTcKnVtcGsTl5fNnOdBCpyZXn6Kq+swwmQXH91D0yjStlExS2hr56qIEcCm2lecKq98PdQtQA0BKE0bEna1xryiwlNCKtH2ZqipIwFHmZgTV3WPOkjqwNQxoj4m93EXZktfslUnP88v9ArHOZM"


DKIM alignment is a check that compares:

  • the domain of the DKIM signature (the field d=)
  • to the domain of the author address (the From: header)

Examples of checks and their results:

Author (From: header) DKIM domain Strict alignment Relaxed alignment
[email protected] foo.com Pass Pass
[email protected] foo.com Fail Pass
[email protected] foo.dev Fail Fail

You can set the type of checks with the adkim attribute of the DMARC record with:

  • a s for strict
  • a r for relaxed


Below are libraries or software that can help you set up a DKIM process:

Specification / Reference


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