Email - Client


A email client is an application that can send/receive a email for a user from a server

In the email world, they are known as Mail User Agent (MUA) that's why you should see the Mail User Agent page instead to get more information.

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PKCS12 is a pkcs version 12. PKCS12 (ie p12 extension) is intended to store both: the private key and public certificate parts It has the capability of being password protected to provide some...
Email - Mail User Agent (MUA) - Mail Client

A Mail User Agent (MUA) is the technical term from a email client application. User agentMail User Agent (MUA)user applicationuser agent on the web A MUA can: read and write in the mailbox and...
Gmail Original Message Id
Email - Message Id

A Message-ID is an email identifier. It is generated by the client sending the mail and added in the Message-ID header An message id is generally the concatenation of: a timestamp the local hostname...
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How does the email system work? SMTP, POP, IMAP explained

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The SMTP Protocol

A summary of what the SMTP protocol is and how to send an email from a network connection with telnet or netcat
What are the SMTP Ports? (25, 465, 587)

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What is Email Transport?

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What is Sendmail ?

Sendmail was the first well-known SMTP server. The server has the following components: * a mail transfer agent (MTA) to send mail to the outside world * a mail deliver agent (MDA) to receive email...

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