OBIEE 10G - How to start and stop OBIEE automatically with a Bat file ?

Obi Edition


This article give two bat files to start and stop the OBIEE services. The order of the services to start don't have a lot of importance.

You must replace Jdk_home and OracleBI_Home by your own location in the below script.

If you don't have perform the installation of OC4J as a service, replace the command

net start/stop "Oracle BI Oc4j" 

by :

  • for the start script :
start OracleBI_Home\oc4j_bi\bin\oc4j.cmd -start
  • for the stop script
Jdk_Home\bin\java.exe -jar OracleBI_Home\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 oc4jadmin oc4jadminpassword -shutdown force

Launch the OBIEE service

net start "Oracle BI Oc4j"
sleep 30
net start "Oracle BI Server"
sleep 30
net start "Oracle BI Java Host"
net start "Oracle BI Presentation Server"
start firefox "http://localhost:9704/analytics/saw.dll?Answers&NQUser=Administrator&NQPassword=Administrator"

You can change firefox by iexplore for Internet Explorer.
You can get the sleep.exe utility file in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools

Stop the OBIEE service

net stop "Oracle BI Presentation Server"
net stop "Oracle BI Java Host"
net stop "Oracle BI Server"
net stop "Oracle BI Oc4j"


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