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infacmd.sh WFS -help
Usage: infacmd WFS <command> <arguments>
[WFS] commands ...
abortWorkflow: Aborts a running workflow instance.
bulkComplete: Completes all operations for a Human task in a workflow that you specify.
cancelWorkflow: Cancels a running workflow instance.
completeTask: Completes a Human task instance.
createTables: Creates the database tables that store run-time metadata for the workflow and starts the workflow engine.
delegateTask: Delegates a Human task instance.
dropTables: Deletes the contents of the workflow database.
listActiveWorkflowInstances: Lists active workflow instances.
listMappingPersistedOutputs: Lists the state of each mapping output that is persisted.
listTasks: Lists Human task instances.
listWorkflowParams: Lists the parameters for a workflow and creates a parameter file that you can use when you run a workflow.
listWorkflows: Lists the workflows in an application.
pruneOldInstances: Remove old workflow instances.
recoverWorkflow: Recovers a workflow instance.
releaseTask: Releases a Human task instance.
setMappingPersistedOutputs: Updates the persisted mapping outputs for a Mapping task instance in a workflow.
startTask: Starts a Human task instance.
startWorkflow: Starts a workflow instance.
upgradeWorkflowParameterFile: Upgrades an older workflow parameter file to a 10.0 parameter file.
from BDM - Model Repository Service (MRS): FAQ: How to retrieve workflow details in Model Repository Views?
Time is stored in EPOCH time
select * from MRX_OBJECT_SUMMARY WHERE OBJECT_TYPENAME='com.informatica.metadata.common.workflow.impl.WorkflowImpl'
WorkflowDetails wf_test 1503932685234 1503932715850